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The summer holidays are nearly at an end.....what are your plans?


As the children look to returning to school many of us are looking forward to being able to refocus on our normal routines.  Whilst I pray all the children have had a wonderful holiday, I for one will be relieved to be getting that vital time in the day where I can focus on the dogs and find a bit of time for quiet!  I’ve had a house full of teenagers for the summer, and trying to keep those bottomless pits they call stomachs full has been exhausting! What are your plans when peace is restored?

Do remember as your routine changes yet again, your dachshunds may struggle with the change. Remember to consider this and reintroduce the changes slowly. We all know how much they love change!

Have there been issues that have come up over the summer? Are there issues you want to address as we approach (I don't dare say it) that day! Now is the time to act. Please don't wait until the issue becomes a frequent problem. It is much harder to undo practiced and rehearsed behaviours than when they are first forming! Now is the time for your dachshunds to go back to school!

I am looking forward to heading back to uni myself to complete my second year on my MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour, and I’m so excited by the work I’ve done over the summer whilst working on my thesis – which is of course dachshund focused! I will be asking everyone for their help on that towards the end of the year. I have been working on another course too which whilst there will be some overlap I hope to complete in a few months. I really hope the knowledge I have gained over the summer enables me to help more dachshunds and their carers have happier lives together. The information I have gained so far is already making a difference to dogs. More on that when its official though. There are some other things in the pipeline as I reassess my future and where I want to take things. (All options involve dachshunds)!

All the studying I do is all for the love of the dachshunds and you.  I want to be the best I can be, and ensure I pass the most up to date and relevant information to you.  I want to enhance your lives together and improve things where you find things challenging.  I am not a “had one dachshund and now I am a specialist” person, I have had dachshunds since I was born, I escaped them (sort of, my parents still had 4) for 4 years at 18 when I “did not want a little dog!”  But otherwise there has always been a dachshund under my duvet. Several, and now more than several! A sofa’s worth! They are a commitment beyond no other and I adore them and the humans they acquire! Us dachshund carers are unique and awesome! (Although like our daxies we are often misunderstood too!)

As I get myself organised for the next few moths I’ve changed up my calendar and added more options for people.  I have tried to create categories but as with all things computer focused I’ll have got something wrong I’m sure! I might be good with dachshunds but less so with tech!

All services are listed here.

They include:

  • Specific options for barking and reactivity – group and individual

  • One off remote consultations  -during peak or off peak hours.

  • Individual package options

  • Puppy training sessions

  • Short active training sessions.

  • Small breed training beyond our lovely daxies.

  • Bespoke services tailor made to your request.  If you and a group of friends want something specific, pop me an email with your wants and needs and I can look into it for you. I often find people working together on a goal increases motivation. I love the group dynamics on the barking courses and after, the peer support is an incredibly important part of the learning process. I'd be more than happy to put something special together.

  • Got an idea? Pop it over, I'm always looking for services to offer. I run occasional zoominar sessions on separation issues and reactivity. These are generally "information only" but give as much information as possible to get you started and reassessing your process!


I love the remote option it makes me so accessible to so many more people.  Teaching via remote link is definitely a skill but I love the impact it has!  The joys of remote training is my presence does not influence the dogs behaviour, so what you do and what I see are “how they usually are.”  It also empowers you, you know I won’t be taking the lead, that it is down to you. This mindset alone makes the world of difference. It empowers you. You can do this, with a little guidance and support to help you.  The support after the sessions is essentially what “puts me in the room” to ensure what I have said is being effective and so I can tweak things as needed.

Regardless of your plans, be optimistic. Life chucks us curveballs, learn to duck and dodge them or catch them and throw them back. Don't give up on your dreams, nurture small parts that lead to the ultimate goal. When you start to approach that goal, reassess where you want to be and adapt. As you all know, its not all sunshine and roses, I've had my fair share of lifetime drama's, and this year (and last) has certainly challenged me emotionally, but we have to keep going and keep learning. Do what makes you happy. Don't worry about others judgement, just your own. Be the best version of yourselves for you and for your dachshunds. You absolutely can and will achieve your goals!


Remember to be kind, understanding and empower those around you, be them children, adults or 4 legged friends. We all deserve to learn through encouragement, praise and patience. The worlds a tough enough place as it is, a kind word goes a very long way (for everyone and every species!)

That's it from me for now, I've got to go and drag a smelly, hairy teenager from his dark pit of doom so we can run around and get last minute things sorted before he heads into Year 11.....where on earth does time go? Have a lovely weekend everyone!


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