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What is a Dynamic Dog Assessment and why is it relevant to my dogs behaviour?


The short version:

WE ARE GOOD TO GO! The Dynamic Dog Assessments are now available to book.

After 6 months of hard work I am hoping this will make a MASSIVE difference to so many of your dogs. 

I have now listed the Dynamic Dog Assessments on the website.  I will not be rolling these out in full until 2025 HOWEVER.......

I have created a £25 introductory discount for a maximum of 5 people to book a Dynamic Dog Assessment before the end of the year or £15 introductory discount for a maximum of 5 people to book a Standalone Dynamic Dog Assessment before the end of the year!


The DISCOUNT code for the full assessment is: DDINTRO2024 or the code for the standalone is: SDDA2024

The code expires on 31/12/24 or when it has reached it's limit!  You are invited to book a 15 minute free call to discuss what is involved before committing to a full assessment.

This is available to ALL BREEDS!  Big or small! Long or short legged!

The full version:

Putting it in perspective.

Over the years I really struggled with learning. My way of dealing with this was avoidance. I avoided math's, anything technical unless I really had to do it to achieve something, and that was a struggle. Why? Because it made me feel pants! Knocked any confidence I had. I barely passed my GCSE's and A Levels despite trying. I worked exceptionally hard for my Law degree at 35 and other courses along the way - getting frustrated that I always seemed to work so much harder than everyone else. It was only at 40 years old at university I finally had a learning assessment done and found out the cause of why I struggled so much with learning. Don't get me wrong, I did learn, but it was a constant struggle. Now I am able to address the cause of my struggles head on....I am flying. I am no longer just managing or avoiding the symptoms. I am addressing them head on!

Why do we just try to suppress or avoid the symptoms instead of looking to the cause of the problem? I am a fixer, I want to resolve the issue. Just addressing the symptoms drives me crazy! As a behaviourist I have always asked "why?" Why is that happening? Why do they feel the need to do that? What else is influencing that. Treating the symptoms has never been my aim, I want to resolve the cause as much as I can - or at least identify it to enable us to manage it effectively.

And as many of you know I always think about the dog as a whole. Which is why I joined the Dynamic Dog's Practitioner Course. It wasn't enough to say "he's got a limp," and whilst I could be reasonably confident there was an issue it was 50/50 as to whether that limp would be taken seriously. I needed give you give them more. Since taking the course, every dog I have identified as having a potential issue has been treated and has seen dramatic improvements in their behaviour!

Dachshund specialist - what makes me different?

Many struggle to assess the dachshund because of their shape. I don't! I know how they should move. I know what they may do or how they may behave when something is amiss. I don't just rely on learning from a book, or owning one or two dachshunds for a couple of years. I was raised with dachshunds. I have multiple dachshunds, with and without health issues, I have rehabilitated aggressive dachshunds, scared dachshunds, excitable dachshunds. I have rehabilitated 26 Grade 5 IVDD warriors to walking. There are very few out there who can say they have lived and dedicated their entire lives to dachshunds of different needs and specialise in the breeds behaviour as well as understand the breed at an emotional level. I know them!

What is a Dynamic Dog Assessment?

A Dynamic Dog Consultation is very different from most canine behavioural assessments. We don’t just discuss behaviour, we discuss EVERYTHING.  We observe EVERYTHING you can capture and we ANALYSE everything you send us and tell us.

I listen to what you have to say, what you feel is important, and probably what you don't. I explore ALL aspects of your dogs day to day life, from their behaviour, to what they eat, the way they move, sleep, play and routine.

Working with a sound knowledge (academic and practical) of the inner structures and systems of your dog I have a deeper understanding of the impact that emotional and physical health may have on a dogs behaviour, and I understand the impact that can have on you!

Everything is connected and that is why I insist on a FULL and DETAILED assessment when working with you and your dog.

But they will happily chase a ball and jump off the sofa without hesitation?

Let me tell you a story.  For 5 years I have quietly muttered to myself about hip pain.  I have been to the doctors, several physiotherapists, an osteopath, a chiropractor and goodness knows who else and have just motored on in the meantime.  Each professional has had me bending and stretching, poking and prodding, all trying to pinpoint and trigger a pain response.  I told them, even I can’t do it, you’ve no chance…..but do they listen? (Sound familiar?) Guess what - nope, there's no pain, no signs of arthritis or muscle issues. You don't seem to have any pain. (Yea, well, I do!)

In this time, I haven't stopped working, I scuba dive, horse ride, run around with the dogs, even sky dive.....but it doesn't stop the pain.....well actually, it kinda does - all that adrenaline pumping helps to mask the pain.

Well, eventually I stamped my foot a little (genuinely only a little I have a lot of respect for any medical professional).  Anyhow, I was sent for X rays.  And guess what – two spots of arthritis, one in my hip, one in my pelvis…..I won’t discuss how similar my spine is to a dachshunds….but I knew that already!  A few weeks on some stronger pain meds and I am sleeping better……meaning I am less grumpy (my son might disagree!) Yes, they are treating the symptoms for now but at least we can monitor the progression - and it's not all in my head!

I know I am not the only one who has this story and I know you can probably relate to it yourself or with your dogs.

Unlike me, your dogs can't say - "hey, it hurts here!" They use a combination of signals to communicate with us. We need to play Dachshund Detective and fit the pieces of the puzzle together to understand.

Why is it the missing piece of the behaviour puzzle?

I am seeing an increasing number of dogs with suspected pain or discomfort presenting with a variety of behavioural issues, from reactivity to sudden and extreme biting. Some dogs are uncomfortable and don’t blink an eye.  Our tolerances to pain all vary and we show that in different ways, me, I avoid walking slowly… mum….avoids heavy lifting…and so on.

I always highlight concerns in my consultations and people usually take my advice on board.  However, since undertaking my training I have been able to guide people much more successfully and have seen every carer listened to and the dogs treated accordingly.  The power of what I have learned in combination with the wealth of experience I have, and having a very keen eye means we can listen together to what our dogs are telling us in the most subtle of ways and tell those who are equipped to address the issue exactly what is going on clearly and concisely. 

Sometimes these issues appear obvious, sometimes less so.  Being a Dynamic Dog Practitioner means I have studied, put into practice my learning and consolidated my behavioural experience at a high level which enables me to carry out a through indepth assessment of your dogs doing…..well, EVERYTHING!

Like with us, when we are used to living with something, we just get on with it, however we can verbalise when it hurts and warn others, or take a day or two off to rest, or even try to get an appointment with the GP.  Dogs are much more stoic than us, often not showing a glimmer of discomfort to the untrained eye until it really is uncomfortable.  You may pop them to the vets with a suspicion but many tense up in the vets, which makes an assessment challenging in such a short consultation. Leaving you questioning your instincts and your dog still uncomfortable.

80% of dogs presenting for behavioural issues have underlying medical issues…..80 PERCENT!!

What behaviours may indicate they are uncomfortable?

  • Reactivity

  • Guarding type behaviours

  • Being approached

  • Biting

  • General anxiety

  • Noise sensitivity

  • Hyperactivity

  • Restlessness

  • Lethargy

  • Reluctance to walk

  • Grumpy

  • Jekyll and Hyde personality

  • Reluctance to be groomed or handled

  • And so much more

What’s included in an assessment?

  • All About your Dog – Deep Dive

    This is carried out online via zoom lasting up to about 90 minutes I take a look at what life is like for you and your dog.  Be warned I want to know EVERYTHING which often leads us down previously unexplored territory.

  • Data gathering

    Additional information in visual form – photos and videos of your dog doing various activities of daily life so we can assess any physical issues. You will be sent a guide on what I need from you after your Deep Dive consultation.

  • Evidence Analysis

    I spend at least 48 hours going over all the data and information you send to me and what we discuss in the consult so we can build the full picture of what is going on with your dog.

  • Veterinary Report and Liaison

    I then construct a comprehensive veterinary report with corresponding evidence to share with you and your dog’s vet. I will liaise with your dogs vet with our findings to ensure that any underling health issues are diagnosed and supported so that they lessen the impact on your dogs behaviour.

  • After the assessment is completed and the report and key evidence compiled I will have a 20-30 minute phone call to discuss the report and any findings from the assessment and discuss recommended next steps.

  • I will provide Behavioural Management/First Aid advice and support whilst the issues we identified are investigated. This may be short term to help you micromanage behaviour whilst additional Veterinary support is given or longer term  help can be discussed depending on assessment outcomes.  Either way I will make sure you have full support during the initial Dynamic Dog Assessment.


Working with other professionals

I have, and always will welcome collaborating with other professionals. We all have the same aim, regardless of our backgrounds - to help dogs live full and happy lives with us. To ensure they enjoy every day, and are pain free.

Vets, groomers, dog walkers, day care providers, physiotherapists, rehabilitation specialists - we all want the same thing. If you have a dog you work with that may need an assessment please tell their carers, reach out and make contact so we can work together to help them provide the very best care for their dogs.

If you are a trainer or behaviour professional and would like an assessment of a clients dog I offer a standalone package where you will continue the training and behaviour support after an assessment - and you can always check in for support.

All of us should work together, pooling our knowledge and skills to benefit the dogs we support and their carers. Please do reach out and say hi.

For more information on the influence of pain on behaviour, please read this blog: Can chronic pain really cause behavioural issues?

Want to book a free call or your assessment? BOOK HERE | Perfectly Polite Dachshunds



©2024 by Perfectly Polite Dachshunds®  .

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